PuckerButt Pepper Company

PuckerButt Pepper Company is a small, family-owned business that has made a big impact in the world of hot sauces. Founder Ed Currie is known for creating some of the hottest peppers in the world, including the Carolina Reaper, which has a Scoville rating of over two million. The company’s hot sauces are made with a variety of peppers, including the Reaper, and come in unique flavors like Sweet Heat, Chocolate Plague, and Reaper Squeezins. Despite their intense heat, PuckerButt’s sauces also have great flavor, thanks to the use of quality ingredients and small-batch production. If you’re a fan of heat, give PuckerButt Pepper Company a try.

Their hot sauces often have a high Scoville rating. The company offers a range of sauces, from milder options like their “Grumpkin” pumpkin-based hot sauce to extreme options like the “Chocolate Plague” sauce, which boasts a Scoville rating of over 2 million. In addition to their use of super-hot peppers, PuckerButt Pepper Company also incorporates unique ingredients like honey, mustard, and even coffee into their sauces for added flavor complexity.


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